Mission and Tasks:
Mission and Tasks of the Education Development Office of the Allied school of Medical Sciences for Kashan University of Medical Sciences
Mission of the education development office is to improve and promote educational planning to provide processes for the professors, students and educational programs; leading research projects in the education and empowerment for the faculty members to institutionalize quality of the education with the participation of the educational departments in line with the strategic plan.
Objectives for establishing an education development office at the faculty
The main objective of the establishment of the office of the development of education was to increase participation of the faculty members in the core activities of the education development in order to:
1- Decentralization in the educational decision-making
2- Contexts for the institutionalization of the educational changes and the development of useful experiences in the field of education
3- Increasing quality of the educational evaluations
4. Improving and developing educational research, educational planning, andteachers' training.
5. Creating an organized collection of skilled people who can help manage faculty in making more relevant decisions.
6. To integrate and publicize research into education as an inevitable complement to teaching
The tasks of the Development Office include:
1- Educational planning in partnership with educational groups
2- Providing counseling in the field of assessment of learners, faculty members, and teaching processes in college
3- Advising on the implementation of research projects in education
4. Providing counseling on the implementation of new educational methods and counseling and studying for the development of education
5. Promotion of faculty abilities in different fields of medical education
6. Active participation in the meetings