Emergency Ward


The emergency Ward is one of the most vital departments of the hospital, which has a close relationship with all hospital wards. Owing to the presence of advanced facilities, doctors and experienced clinical staff, on average, the “Bahar Hospital Eergency Ward” provides medical services to more than ten thousand patients each month.

This ward is located on the ground floor of the hospital, adjacent to the radiology department, and has two entrances and the following wards:

1)Triage    2) Acute Care     3) Acute Care     4) Pediatric Emergency   5) CPR Room  6) Outpatient Operating Room   7) Outpatient Injection Ward   8) Emergency Reception   9) Security

 There are total number of fourteen beds in Acute Care Wards 1 &2 from which ten are equipped with central monitoring system. The Pediatric Emergency Ward, CPR Room, Outpatient Operating Room and Outpatient Injection Ward equipped with six, two, one and thirteen beds accordingly. All beds have consoles and connected to the central oxygen and suction. The Emergency Ward also has three Drug Treatment Rooms, Vital Drugs and Medical Equipment including: ECG machine, Sony kit machine, Ultrasound machine, Arterial Blood Gas Control machine, Electroshock machine, Syringe Pump, Ventilator, Portable monitor, Cauter machine, Slit Lamp machine , Inflatable Tourniquet device, Portable Suction, Dressing and Suture sets, labor and Caesarean Section, Chest Tube, Cut-down, Cricotomy, etc.