
The NICU is one of the most important wards of the hospitals and it considered the supportive ward of maternity department to ensure a safe childbirth environment and provides appropriate treatment and services especially for high risk neonatals. Bahar Hospital NICU is one of the advanced subspecilized neonatal centers in the region that is capable of serving neonatals who need hospitalization. Also, owing to its advanced equipment and experts, Bahar Hospital NICU admits neonatals from other healthcare centers in the region. This ward is located on the first floor of the hospital, adjacent to the maternity ward.

It has 14 special neonatal beds with the most complete and advanced medical equipment, including incubators, nasal sips, neopuffs, ventilators, phototherapy devices, portable imaging and gasometry, sonography, etc.

KMC unit: includes a special KMC chair with the possibility of monitoring and complete equipment, which is intended for maternal care in premature neonatals.

Rest rooms for mothers: One of the special characteristics of the our NICU ward is the presence of rest rooms for mothers, which are equipped with comfort facilities in the vicinity of the NICU, for mothers to rest, constant presence and have better access to their babies.

Affiliated and related units with the NICU: vaccination unit, thyroid screening unit, audiometry unit, neonatal clinic, eye clinic, ultrasound and CT scan units, which fulfill all required neonatal services.