Post-partum Ward


The post-partum is one of the most important departments of the hospital, where mothers are admitted with their baby after natural delivery or caesarean section, which is a safe environment for mothers and neonatals to get appropriate treatment and training.

This ward has 24 adult and 27 baby beds equipped with oxygen and central suction. The devices and equipment of this ward include electroshock device, electrocardiogram, Sonicide, cardiac monitoring, portable incubator, warmer, oxygen, portable suction, NST, emergency trolley, resuscitation and pre-eclampsia sets, bleeding sets, dressing sets, speculum, etc.

  • In all the rooms, welfare equipments such as a couch, refrigerator, TV and heating and cooling devices are available.
  • Four private rooms (single beds), overlooking the nursing station are also provided for high-risk mothers. For the well-being of hospitalized patients, the relevant services like vaccinations and audiometry tests for neonatals are performing daily.