Operating Rooms


Operating rooms are the key departments of every hospital and because of the numerous of surgeries occurring each day as well as the sophisticated equipments in this ward, even the slightest negligence may cause the death of a patient. Therefore, from the beginning of the design and construction of these rooms to the completion of the surgeries, there are many, important and special considereations. The operating room department has different units:

The main unit: contains five operating rooms, two of which are for gynecology and obstetrics surgeries and related emergencies, and related equipment includes gynecology bed, cautery, warmer, Sony kit, vacuum device and neonatal resuscitation set, monitoring , anesthesia machine, syringe pump, sialic light, suction, capnograph, colposcope and hysteroscope and other general tools and equipment related to surgery.

Urology operating room: including Lithotripsy, ureteroscope, cystoscope, special urology lenses, cold light, cautery, syringe pump and all equipment related to urology and general equipment related to anesthesia and surgery.

Ophthalmology surgery room: including advanced phycovitrectomy equipment, advanced eye microscope, syringe pump, surgical sets for eye surgery, including cataract-DCR-pterygium sets, etc. Also in this room, lap-negatoscope, uroscope equipment, including advanced light and imaging system CO2 shutters and its accessories are available.

Orthopedic operating room: including orthopedic sets, traction device, tourniquet, equipped orthopedic sets for arthroscopy and joint replacement, etc., and also general anesthetic and surgical equipment.

Recovery room: includes 8 beds, 4 baby incubators, baby hoods, stretchers, scale baby resuscitation bed, medical and emergency warmer-refrigerator and all related equipments for adult and pediatric resuscitation.

Medical equipment unit: including ECG device, blood warmer, boiler, BIS, head lamp, resuscitation bed, X-ray light, fast autoclave, DC shock, plastering saw, syringe pump, microscope and fico, etc.

Departments and units related to the operating room include: CSR, women's surgery, men's surgery, pediatrics and neonatals, ICUs, radiology and ultrasound unit.