3rd summer school course

14 August 2019 | 09:30 Code : 2929 News Visual News
...3rd summer school course was held in the Shahroud university of medical sciences and workshops were organized in three basic, advanced and technology-based levels
3rd summer school course

The third summer school course was held in 5-8 August in 2019, which was warmly welcomed by students inside and outside of the university. The total number of participants was 84, out of which 17 were in the scientific and administrative committee and the other 67 students were as participants. With this summer school, workshops were organized in three basic, advanced and technology-based levels. The outcomes of this period were 27 research projects, 10 clinical trial designs and 10 patent applications. At the end of this period, ethics exam was held and three top students at this exam were encouraged. By the way, in the closing ceremony of the summer school, awards were also given to the top students at each level.


tags: summer school

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