Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology


The Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology (VCR) at the Shahroud University of Medical Sciences (SHMU) has an important role in managing and developing of research activities.
Making policies and providing the necessary fundamentals to achieve main research goals are priorities for the VCR. Also promotion of national and international university rank through the scientific and technical guidelines is among objectives. VCR aims to create an appropriate atmosphere for creativities, discoveries and qualitative and quantitative promotion of researches. Also increase and encourage of research activities besides publishing them nationally and internationally in form of papers and books are among priorities. 


Proposing and establishing different research bylaws, organizing academic links with other universities, holding scientific conferences, monitoring all research activities (scientometry) and updating libraries and databases are some of VCR activities. 



1. Managing and monitoring good performance of research affairs, library technologies and databases according to regulations.

2. Planning and policy-making for promotion and increase of international scientific cooperation.

3.  Giving priority to innovation in the field of theoretical and applied researches.

4. Reinforcement and guidance of approved research projects with applied purpose according to SHMU strategic plan.

5. Controlling and supervision (Technical and Ethical) of research processes according to national and international guidelines.

6. Annual evaluation of research activities of the SHMU.

7. Making connection with other universities and institutions to cooperate in research affaires and scientific exchange.

8. Cooperating with other institutions in scientific and cultural affairs, holding seminars and scientific conferences and research contracts.

9. Cooperation with nonacademic institution in short-term research courses.

10. Planning for sabbatical leaves of faculty members in order to take study opportunity inside and outside of the country.

11. Preparing long and short term research programs and determining research purposes and priorities and also supporting the establishment of development centers, entrepreneurship and innovation centers, science and technology parks.

12. Identification of joint research programs and providing facilities and allocating credit to them.