Central Laboratory



One of the requirements for each medical university is a well-equipped research laboratory. Shahroud University of Medical Sciences central laboratory welcomes students, researchers and academicians to peruse their research activities by implementing new ideas and efficiently apply their knowledge and methods that adapt to their working procedures. The Central laboratory is committed to support scientists who have the potential to reconcile bench and further enhance leadership in biomedical and clinical research. It is advancements in basic research that lead to new breakthroughs in clinical research. Central lab is committed to educate and train medical students and fellows and works closely with physician assistants, microbiologists and clinical laboratory directors. Our central research lab is located in the west corner of School of Medicine and contains following teaching and research sections: Hematology & Physiology Lab, Biochemistry Lab, Microbiology &Parasitology Lab, Immunology Lab, Microscope Hall, Cell Culture & Stem Cells Lab, Medical Nanotechnology Lab, Medical Biotechnology Lab, Behavioral Examination in Neuroscience Lab & Animal Lab

Dean of the Central Lab: Dr. Mehdi Mirzaii

Lab Staff: Mrs. Pirasteh Noroozi