مقالات فارسی چاپ شده در سال ۱۳۹۸
نام مقالات | نویسنده اول | نمایه شده در مجلات | سال انتشار |
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Breastfeeding, Serum level of Hemoglobin and Ferritin Associated with the Risk of Asthma in Children: A Case-Control Study | مصطفی دیانتی نسب | scopus-III | 1398 |
Cancer incidence in Iran in 2014: Results of the Iranian National Populationbased Cancer Registry | منصورهخانم فاتح | ISI | 1398 |
Comparison of the accuracy of three diagnostic criteria and estimating the prevalence of metabolic syndrome: A latent class analysis | حسین ابراهیمی | ISI | 1398 |
Creativity and its Affecting Factors among Medical Students | احمد خسروی | علمی پژوهشی | 1398 |
Effect of Brief Cognitive Behavioral Counseling and Debriefing on the Prevention of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in Traumatic Birth: A Randomized Clinical Trial | احمد خسروی | ISI | 1398 |
Effect of the Sacred Hour on Postnatal Depression in Traumatic Childbirth: a Randomized Controlled Trial | احمد خسروی | PubMed | 1398 |
Estimating of Net Transition Probabilities in Triple Stages of Cigarette Consumption in Iranian Men | احمد خسروی | PubMed | 1397 |
Examining the ethical challenges in managing elder abuse: a systematic review | علی دادگری | PubMed | 1398 |
Horizontal inequity in the utilization of cataract surgery in Iran: Shahroud Eye Cohort Study, 2009-2014 | محمد حسن امامیان | PubMed | 1398 |
نمایش ۱ تا ۱۰ مورد از کل ۴۹ مورد.